Image of a pile of photos showing kids, grandparents, friends and family.

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Designing Memory 2.0: Interact, Display, Share

Pinpoint is the only all-in-one memory management system designed to interact with, display and share your memories!

Preview of Pinpoint Memory Management System


Import items, eliminate duplicates and delete unwanted images and screenshots. Tag the "who, where, when and what" of each item in your memory library. Organize your memories into albums for easy viewing and sharing with others. Browse your memory library's sub-collections profiles, places, dates, memory tags and albums or use the search bar to find specific, tagged memories. Bulk tagging, facial matching, geocode translation and date/time auto-import help you tag your memories quickly and easily.


Display your memories on any connected screen or device! Watch a memory slideshow: select any album, profile, place, date or memory tag then click the play icon. The built-in memory slideshow viewer presents your memories quickly and beautifully. We also have several unique display applications in development such as Memory Drift, Photo Album, Family Tree, Music Modules and more.


Functions still in development include: bundling selected images or albums and their tags so it is easy to share your memories with another user. Exporting an mp4 video file of any slideshow to play at events like graduations, weddings, birthdays and family reunions.

Memory Media Solutions understands that the media we capture are more than just digital files - they are memories.

With Pinpoint Memory Management System, you have the tools to organize, browse, search, display and share your memories!

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Featured highlights: add tags, browse memories, create memory albums and display memories

Add customized tags

Add customized tags: organize your personal memory media by adding custom tag labels for people, places, dates and more.

Browse memories

Browse your memory collections of customized tag labels by category: Profiles, Places, Memory dates and Memory tags. 2x click any tag label to view the contents, add to memory albums, play a slideshow or to create additional tags.

Create memory albums

Create memory albums: select any memories from any category to create personalized memory albums that can be viewed in the memory player, bundled together to share with other users or exported as a video slideshow that can be played on any screen.

Display memories

Display your memories on any connected device: any Memory Album, Profile, Place, Date or Memory Tag can be selected and instantly displayed as a slideshow using the integrated memory player. Or just press play from the home screen to view a memory slideshow of your entire collection.

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Your Digital Photo Collection

In the past two decades, digital cameras have transformed how we capture memory-media like photos and videos

Globally, more than 1 trillion new images are captured every year. How confident are you that your memory-media collection is complete, organized, easy to enjoy and securely stored?

(, August 2017)

The state of digital image management is chaotic

There are too many images, too many apps and too few meaningful memory encounters. Companies compete for your photos to fill cloud space and to build data-profiles. Different media players and incompatible ecosystems make watching and sharing memories unpredictable and difficult. Our photos are treated like files instead of memories.

Introducing Pinpoint to interact with, display and share your memories

A big problem with digital photography is that our ability to capture photos has outpaced the tools used to organize, browse and enjoy them. Millions of people are experiencing this problem firsthand. So we built a solution.

Pinpoint Memory Management System is bringing order to this photographic chaos

Locally installed, cross-platform and without subscription fees or limits, Pinpoint provides tools to interact with and share personal photo libraries. Our integrated memory-slideshow viewer delivers meaningful memory experiences - instantly!

Pinpoint feature comparison

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Your Film Photo Legacy

Many of us have a significant portion of our lives documented in film photos

I have hundreds of pictures stored in albums, hung on the wall in frames and stored away in old shoeboxes in the closet. These pictures are invaluable memories for me and my family and I have spent a lot of time and money organizing, preserving and displaying them.

Polaroid memories of a family road trip in 1978

For me, nothing compares to sitting on the couch with a grandparent and a photo album sharing stories and reminiscing

I have created digital slideshows that were similar to a photo album using scanned images, but it is challenging: I had to use video editing software, the file names were meaningless and the dates and locations of the image files were not the places or dates of the actual memories.

Grandmother, mother and baby sharing stories

Scanned film photographs need specific tools to allow users to record the date and location of the memory as well as to browse these memories by memory date or place

I personally had hundreds of digitized photographs with this problem. I needed to correct the dates and places on all of them so that these digitized memories are properly indexed chronologically and geographically. Pinpoint made that chore simple and easy. Its built-in tagging interface provides tools to define the Who, Where, What and When of every memory.

Pinpoint helps users tag the Who, Where, What and When of any memory

A big problem with digitizing film photographs is that there is no easy to use, all-in-one application with which to organize, browse, search, display and share these precious memories. There are millions of people with this problem. So we built a solution.

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Discover the All-in-One Memory Organizer
Transform your photo collections into a beautifully organized, easily accessible memory library!

Pinpoint Memory Management System is the easy to use application for enjoying, sharing and displaying your photo memories.

Contact us, get your discount code, get Pinpoint - it's easy!

Buy and download Pinpoint Memory Management System

Ready to learn more about preserving, enjoying and sharing your photo memories?

Here's our user guide!

Click this image to open the Pinpoint User Guide

Feel confident that your memory collection is complete, secure and easy to display or share!

Pinpoint is the only all-in-one application with tools specifically designed for organizing, browsing and displaying personal memory-media collections!

Safeguard Your Legacy. Click here to go to the Microsoft Store

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