Image of a pile of photos showing kids, grandparents, friends and family.

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Contact Memory Media Solutions, LLC.

For enterprise contracts, to join our team or if you have questions about the company:

Greg McLean, president

For questions, customer support or to make suggestions about our products:

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Discover the All-in-One Memory Organizer
Transform your photo collections into a beautifully organized, easily accessible memory library!

Pinpoint Memory Management System is the easy to use application for enjoying, sharing and displaying your photo memories.

Contact us, get your discount code, get Pinpoint - it's easy!

Buy and download Pinpoint Memory Management System

Ready to learn more about preserving, enjoying and sharing your photo memories?

Here's our user guide!

Click this image to open the Pinpoint User Guide

Feel confident that your memory collection is complete, secure and easy to display or share!

Pinpoint is the only all-in-one application with tools specifically designed for organizing, browsing and displaying personal memory-media collections!

Safeguard Your Legacy. Click here to go to the Microsoft Store

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