Image of a pile of photos showing kids, grandparents, friends and family.

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Your Privacy Matters

Digital Memories & Privacy


Our personal memory-media reveal our life stories and inspire us to reminisce with others – but how do we keep them private?

It’s important to know that your memory collections are not only complete and secure, but are kept private from the information gathering and selling that is so commonplace in online and application ecosystems.

privacy and information protection matter

There are many companies that want you upload your images to their cloud-based ecosystems. Some even use automation and AI to try and organize your images and videos for you.

A variety of companies are competing for your cloud-storage needs

Even if you are comfortable having your personal memory media in the cloud being scanned and categorized, the processes involved may not be focused on your privacy or security.

Cloud storage and companies that scan and categorize your images may also be adding to digital profiles about you for targeted ads, information trading and so on.

Facebook and google are collecting personal details about their users

Some articles about digital photo storage and your privacy:

★ Data collection by Facebook and Google, 2018 (article imaged above)

★ "if you value data privacy...think twice before uploading your images to popular online services." 2019

★ "the sheer scope of data that Google Photos says it might collect is stark." 2021

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Pinpoint for Privacy

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Pinpoint memory management system is installed locally and keeps your information private so you don’t have to worry about your personal data being used or sold.

Pinpoint gives you control over how you label the who, where, what and when of every memory, privately on your own device. You decide what and when to share or upload.

Information about you is being absorbed via internet and software applications

With Pinpoint, you can bundle all or part of your memory library to backup to any drive, network or cloud space. You can display memories in your home on a variety of screens and devices. You can easily create memory slideshows for graduations, weddings and events and export them as a portable video – no cloud or internet needed.

Pinpoint delivers complete control over how you organize, browse, display and share your personal memory media.

Privacy matters

At Memory Media Solutions, privacy is a key component of our company vision and culture.

We are committed to your privacy and will never access, gather or distribute any of your personal information.

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Our Privacy Policy


Privacy Statement

Memory Media Solutions, LLC is committed to protecting the privacy of your memory-media. We do not gather, store, distribute or sell any personal information from interactions with our website, products or services.

Concerned about privacy? We are too.

Many applications and websites collect personal information about their users, Memory Media Solutions DOES NOT collect any personal information about you when you visit this website nor when you use any of our products or services.

Information collected:

Your personal information is safe, secure and private when you are on our site and when you are using our products and services. Memory Media Solutions DOES NOT collect any personal information about you when you visit this website and we DO NOT collect any personal information from Pinpoint Memory Management System.

To provide a better product experience and raise awareness of our products and services, Memory Media Solutions DOES GATHER anonymized, quantified data about use from each licensed copy of Pinpoint Memory Management System. The following analytics are periodically gathered from each copy of Pinpoint:

# of images imported

# of tags created

# of albums created

# of slideshows initiated

# of browse screens accessed

# of searches conducted

# of hours the app has run

This information will be a part of each user’s Pinpoint database and will be retrieved periodically.

These data are anonymized quantifications of use; they WILL NOT contain any personal information of the user and WILL NOT contain any details of the tags, album names, search terms etc. that you are using in your copy of Pinpoint Memory Management System.

Memory Media Solutions DOES NOT associate this usage data to any individual user identities.

Use of collected information:

The anonymized data, as outlined above, WILL BE USED to improve user experience and to raise awareness of our products and services.

Distribution of collected information:

WE DO NOT COLLECT any personal data. The usage data we collect WILL NOT contain any details of the tags, album names, search terms, etc. that you create in your copy of Pinpoint Memory Management System.

WE DO NOT associate any data to individual user identities.

WE DO NOT sell the gathered, anonymized use statistics to any other entities.

What happens if the privacy statement changes?

Privacy is and will remain a key component of our company culture, however, some of the details of our privacy policy may change. We encourage you to review our policies each time you visit the website.

This Privacy Statement was last revised on 10/16/2023.

How to contact us

Please contact us with any questions or comments about this Privacy Statement:

Greg McLean's signature
Greg McLean, President
Memory Media Solutions

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Discover the All-in-One Memory Organizer
Transform your photo collections into a beautifully organized, easily accessible memory library!

Pinpoint Memory Management System is the easy to use application for enjoying, sharing and displaying your photo memories.

Contact us, get your discount code, get Pinpoint - it's easy!

Buy and download Pinpoint Memory Management System

Ready to learn more about preserving, enjoying and sharing your photo memories?

Here's our user guide!

Click this image to open the Pinpoint User Guide

Feel confident that your memory collection is complete, secure and easy to display or share!

Pinpoint is the only all-in-one application with tools specifically designed for organizing, browsing and displaying personal memory-media collections!

Safeguard Your Legacy. Click here to go to the Microsoft Store

Please contact us with any questions or comments:

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Copyright 2024 - Memory Media Solutions, LLC